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 of the Carolinas     

 Next Men's Retreat:  March 14th - 16th, 2025

 The Road to Emmaus 

The Gospel of St. Luke relates the story of the risen Christ appearing to two men who were going along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus.  They were walking together, sharing their hearts' deepest concerns.  The risen Christ joined them and explained the scriptures as they walked, how it was ordained that Christ should suffer and so enter his glory.  This experience on the road was a heart-warming experience as the risen Christ walked and talked with them.  The illuminating climax of the experience was when Christ took bread and said the blessing, then broke it and gave it to them.  The two had their eyes opened and they recognized him as the risen Christ and they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others.


-Referencing "The Appearance on the Road to Emmaus," Luke 24: 13-35 - READ LUKE 24 NOW​

Our Next Retreat,
the 24th Emmaus of the Carolinas
Retreat for Men:

March 14th - 16th, 2025

at Heart Ridge Retreat Center,
130 Heart Ridge Dr., Sunset, SC  29685



"Emmaus" is a retreat weekend designed for those men who feel they would like to explore a deeper relationship with God. Every one of us has considered the questions, “Does God really exist?” or “How should God’s existence affect my life?” Unfortunately, we are all very busy and don’t allow ourselves enough time to explore the answers. That’s what the Emmaus retreat is for. The men organizing and hosting the Emmaus retreat are regular guys who will not try to convince you of their answers; instead they will share their own experiences with you and let you draw your own conclusions. We are not men born Holy, and we have each led very different lives. But, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we have found our way back to the Lord and would like to tell you about these life-changing experiences. For many of us, it was during an Emmaus Retreat that our hearts were touched by God.


The food is abundant, the place is calm and peaceful, and we know it will be a weekend that you will NEVER forget.  Your time invested will pay huge dividends!


Invest a bit of your time. Rethink, refocus, reflect, and find your way.

If you don’t have time to make a retreat like this, it means you NEED a retreat like this!



Q. What is and who serves this ministry?


A.  Emmaus of the Carolinas began holding Emmaus retreats in 2012, initially formed from a men's prayer group established at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Spartanburg, SC.  The ministry start-up was assisted significantly by the Emmaus Community of St. Louis Catholic Church in Pinecrest, FL, as well as men from other Emmaus Communities in the US.  The men serving our local ministry are from many churches, mostly in the Carolinas.


Q. How do these retreats work?


A.  You will hear a series of talks by other men concerning their own experiences. You will have a chance to reflect, pray, and consider the bigger, really meaningful questions of life in a place that is far enough away to separate you from the distractions of everyday life, but close enough that you could be home in a matter of minutes.


Q. What about God?


A.  One way, among many, you can help answer that question is with this Emmaus Retreat, led by men, like you,  who have struggled with the same questions about life that you have. The Emmaus Retreat is designed to be low-key and not “preachy."  You will listen to other men like yourself talk about their journey to know more about God.  It is not required for you to be of any particular faith or church.


Q. How long does the weekend last?


A.  You’ll need to arrive at the retreat location on the grounds of Heart Ridge Retreat Center, 130 Heart Ridge Dr., Sunset, SC 29685, Friday, March 14th, 2025 between 6:00PM and 6:30 PM.  The weekend will conclude no later than 5:00 PM on Sunday, March 16th, 2024. (more detailed directions will follow).


Q. How do I dress for the weekend and what should I bring?


A.  Dress is extremely casual and comfortable. Bring a change of clothes for two days and your personal toiletries (toothbrush, razor, etc.). All else is provided.


Q. What about food?


A.  All food and drink will be provided. When you arrive Friday evening there will be a light meal for those who will not have had time to grab dinner. If you have any special dietary requirements, let us know on the application form.


Q. How much does Emmaus cost?


A. The cost of the weekend is $200.00, which includes a two-night stay at the retreat center, food, and a retreat shirt.


Q. How do I pay the retreat fee?


A.  You will receive a confirmation email after you submit this form. If you don’t have the money, don’t let this stop you.  Inquire with us through the "Contact Us" button below, or talk to someone you know from the Emmaus Ministry if you need help.  Please note that Emmaus retreats have had waiting lists – apply as soon as possible to confirm your reservation.  After you have submitted your form, you will be contacted by email for payment instructions and other information about the details of the retreat.



Painting by Fracois Verdier

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